Easter Events

Easter Events

28 March: Maundy Thursday

8-9pm Communion Service // Church Building, Ladycroft Balerno

29 March: Good Friday

2-4pm Family Activities Drop-In // Church Building, Ladycroft

Join us for crafts and other interactive activities as we invite you to explore together the events surrounding the first Easter and what that means for us today.

7:30-9pm Stations of the Cross Personal Reflections // Church Building, Ladycroft

We will have a series of etchings of the Stations of the Cross by artist Peter Howson with accompanying devotions, prayers and readings for self-guided private reflections.

30 March: Easter Saturday

7:30 - 9:30pm Spirit Cafe // Drop-in // Ministry Centre, 46b Bavelaw Road, Balerno

31 March: Easter Sunday

8:45am Traditional Liturgical Communion Service // Church Building, Ladycroft

10:30am Easter Family Celebration // Balerno High School

Join us for an hour long celebration service as we gather together as a multi-generational church family to remember Jesus resurrection

7:30pm Origin: Resurrection Event // Usher Hall // Tickets required in advance



For those of you new to the church, you may not know about ‘Pioneers’, our Sunday morning group in Balerno for adults with additional needs. We meet alternate Sundays in one of the classroom areas. You may have seen us come and join in during the worship time and use the flags and banners.


Some people find that the format of the main service doesn’t suit them, and we aim to provide interactive bible teaching and prayer activities in a multi-sensory way.


The vision of Pioneers is not about creating an alternative to what the main church is doing. It is about recognising that we are all precious to God and that we all belong – every part of the body needs the other to grow and thrive and be a family.

If you have family, friends, or neighbours who you think might be interested to come along to Pioneers and get to know Jeus better, then please email jane.owens@stmungos.org to find out more.


Finance update Nov 23

In November, Katherine gave an important update regarding the finances of St Mungo’s: reviewing the income and expenditure from the year ending 30th September before looking to the year ahead.  If you missed it, please have a look at the recording here…


In summary, our budget last year included a deficit of £192,000, reflecting the decision made by Vestry during 2022 to use our available reserves to fully resource our Vision to Be Love in the prayerful hope and expectation that we would see God’s Kingdom and St Mungo’s grow and flourish as a result.  Our hope is that as we see our congregations grow, that this would result in our income growing sufficiently for us to bring our income and expenditure back into balance, allowing us to continue this Vision in to the future.


We have been overwhelmed by your response, thank you!  Both our regular and one off gifts were significantly more than we expected last year, and this was the most significant element of ending the year with a deficit of just over £50,000.  This means that instead of already investing half of our available reserves, we have only needed to invest a quarter, which is wonderful.


Looking to the future, the Vestry has been considering what our congregational giving needs to grow by, in order to continue to sustain our current vision, and the answer is 7.5%.  At first glance, this looks like an unrealistic expectation, however Katherine outlined four reasons why she believes this is a realistic, if challenging, aim.  Firstly, the abundant generosity of God, which is where we started the year’s teaching in our morning services.  Secondly, we have a vision for growth, and as we each live out our vision of Being Love, then we can look forward to our congregations growing, and consequently our income.  Thirdly, we are each on a journey of discipleship and as we grow in our individual discipleship to Jesus then that will impact all of our lives, including our finances.  And lastly, we have already seen this level of income growth during 2022-23: our monthly regular giving has grown by 7.7% since Sept 2022 and our one off gifts have grown by over 8% compared to 2021-22.


Katherine finished by asking everyone to continue to pray for the finances of St Mungo’s, to have a look at the updated giving leaflet and to continue to regularly and prayerfully review their giving.  And by thanking everyone for their faithful and generous giving over the past year.  If you have any questions, please contact Katherine on Katherine.Burnett@stmungos.org

What is Kintsugi Hope?

What is Kintsugi Hope?

Kintsugi Hope is a charity based in the UK striving to make a difference to peoples mental wellbeing.
"Kintsugi' (金継ぎ) is a Japanese technique for repairing pottery with seams of gold. The word means 'golden joinery' in Japanese. This repairs the brokenness in a way that makes the object more beautiful, and even more unique than it was prior to being broken. Instead of hiding the scars it makes a feature of them.

We want to see a world where mental and emotional health is understood and accepted, with safe and supportive communities for everyone to grow and flourish.

Kintsugi Hope Groups

A Kintsugi Hope Group is a safe and supportive space for people who feel or have felt overwhelmed, providing tools for self-management in a facilitated peer mentoring style setting.

It consists of a structured yet flexible series of 12 weeks of content, which includes group and individual activities designed to help participants to accept themselves, to understand their value and worth, and grow towards a more resilient and hopeful future.

The role of the Group Leader is to facilitate the sessions using the material available, signposting people if necessary to further help and support. It can feel vulnerable and scary starting a group, but the benefit of a Kintsugi Hope Group is that Group Leaders are not on their own.

Issues covered include; disappointment, loss, anxiety, anger perfectionism, shame and resilience

What are St Mungo’s doing?

St Mungo’s Church will be running a Kintsugi Hope group on Thursday evenings. The group will meet at 8pm on Thursday 28 September in St Mungo’s Ministry Centre, Balerno, and will run for 12 weeks. The group is open to anyone, whether you are a member of St Mungo’s Church or whether you have no faith at all. The primary aim of the group is to provide a safe place where people can support one another.

How do I sign up?

If you are interested in signing up, please email david.lyons@stmungos.org